Munchen / Germany

SantoLoco was founded in 2007 in Munich, Germany, by brothers Ricardo and Ronaldo Friesen. Originally from Brazil, they have spent most of their lives in Germany. Their passion for surfing and skating began at a young age in Brazil. Not born into wealth, they surfed and skated on whatever could float or roll. After moving to Germany, their enthusiasm never waned. Instead, it inspired them to create SantoLoco: *“We want to create a place where you can live your dreams in everyday life, where you can embrace your individuality while feeling a sense of community, where you can be yourself, assertive, express your style, and still feel like you belong.”*


All employees and team riders are authentic surfers and skaters, passionate about what they do, skilled in their roles, and striving to be role models for the younger generation.

Over the last 18 years, SantoLoco has grown into one of the best surf/skate shops in the world. It is a top seller for many leading brands in the industry while maintaining its core value of being a “core” shop for the local community: *“We strive to be the best at what we do and hope our customers appreciate this commitment.”*

### What does "SantoLoco" mean?
- **Santo** means "holy": Living a (addiction-free), faithful, and happy life. We aim to positively impact every life we work with—customers, employees, managers, and the community.
- **Loco** means "crazy": SantoLoco encourages people to embrace the idea that a "holy" life does not mean a boring one. Instead, the company inspires people to live a life full of adventure and crazy experiences, not one of regret or "what-ifs."

In 2015, Red Bull interviewed us to showcase who we are and what we do. Click this link to gain detailed insights: **Red Bull Link**.