Ciel Glue
Ciel Glue Calendar 2024
Ciel Glue Calendar 2024
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Plane das Jahr 2024 auf eine spritzige Weise mit unserem Kalender im Meeres-, Ozean- und Surf-Style! Monat für Monat entführt dich dieser Kalender in eine Welt voller Wellen, Sonnenuntergänge und Surfspaß. Damit wird jeder Termin zu einem Surfabenteuer. Das perfekte Geschenk für diejenigen, die das Meer lieben und gerne mal mit dem Kalender auf einer Welle reiten!
Jeden Monat lässt sich der Print abreißen und als Poster verwenden.
Hello, my name is César.
I'm a French artist, but I have been living in Peniche for the last few years.
Like many of us, I have been completely addicted to surfing since the age of 11. Alongside my love of being in the water, I began as a graffiti artist nearly 20 years ago and I have recently moved into creating collages.
My collages are created from books (classic novels and lesser-known story books, all connected with a story around the ocean); vintage magazines and coloured cards.
My creations play on the idea of timelessness. I find images from the past in vintage books and magazines, playing on the idea that surfing will never age.
When I've chosen a book to use, first I read it, then I shred it. Just like a surfer on a wave.
My line of creation resides around the sentence: " To read the wave ".